Frequently Asked Questions

What is Bibble?

Bibble is a revolutionary selling platform that offers vast opportunities for sellers and buyers to buy and sell anything. It’s a simple b2c and b2b system where the seller provides an offer that meets the buyer’s needs.

What can I buy or sell there?

Bibble is a versatile platform where you can buy and sell a wide range of products and services, from handcrafted bracelets to real estate properties and cars, from house cleaning services to health insurance and travel tickets. It’s the ideal place for both wholesale and retail sellers.

What's the difference between standart shops and Bibble?

Bibble is not just another online store or auction company. It operates in a completely unique way. The key difference is that with Bibble, multiple companies present their offers to you as the buyer, and you have the power to choose the offer that best meets your needs and accept it.

Is Bibble free?

Yes! Its completely free for all users.

Is it available in my country?

Bibble is currently available in Armenia and plans to expand globally in the near future. Stay tuned for updates.

Managing questions

How to register?

We are at closed beta right now. You can pre-register as a company or user by clicking here. We will notify you once we get online. Approximate launch time 27.02.2023.